What Kind of Leader Do You Wish To Become?

Are you ready for a break-through in your business leadership? The kind of growth and development that will help you realize your greatest potential?     Join The Integral Business Executive Group.

During many conversations with our executive clients, we have heard you talk about your need to evolve your leadership in a way that meets YOUR individual needs and also facilitates engagement in a collective of like-minded leaders who understand that personal and professional growth are the same pursuit.

Contact us to experience our transformational Integral Approach to Leadership Development, which will align and integrate your:

Vision                    Seeing new possibilities for the kind of leader you wish to become
Passion                  Pursuing what matters to you personally and professionally
Performance         Acquiring the right capabilities to get you there
Results                  Achieving what you really want

Who Should Attend

Business leaders in a principal decision making capacity who:

  • Want to realize a fundamental break-through in their leadership
  • Seek to lead with purpose, confidence and contribute meaningfully beyond themselves
  • Have a genuine interest in powerful human growth and development
  • Aspire to become the best leaders they can be and realize their fullest potential
  • Enjoy learning dynamically from others and are willing to practice supporting others’ personal and professional growth

Our Three Step Approach

1. What Kind Of Leader Do You Wish To Become?

You will start by creating a leadership vision that will support you in uncovering hidden potential, which will be incorporated in a way that aligns your personal and professional aspirations as one pursuit.

2. Customized Leadership Development

Working one-on-one with a Certified Integral Master Coach™, you will build the unique personal/leadership capacities YOU specifically need to realize your break-through.

3. Leadership Peer Group

Simultaneous to working individually with your Certified Integral Master Coach™, you will also engage in experiential group work with a peer group of amazing leaders. This will offer a rich environment for sharing and learning through a variety of topics and experiential exercises.

What You Will Get

  • Clarity of vision and the capacities that will propel you to realize your break-through vision
  • Professionally facilitated two-hour group sessions once each month
  • Two cutting-edge one-on-one leadership coaching sessions each month
  • Radical growth in personal awareness and the capacity to effectively apply it in action
  • Experiential peer group work with equally committed leaders
  • Being part of a rare and supportive team consisting of other business leaders with the courage to explore and challenge each other

Candidate Screening Process

Screening will consist of personal and professional assessment including a 1.5-hour interview with a Certified Integral Master CoachTM.

Time Commitment

  • Two hours once per month to attend peer group sessions (one each month for 10 months)
  • Three hours of individual leadership coaching per month (1.5 hrs twice per month)
  • Initial screening process and interview


Group size: Max. 10 Participants

Start Date: TBA

Deadline for Applications: TBA

Candidate Selection Screening & Team Announcement: TBA

Cost: $1250/month for 10 months plus GST (5 %).

Where: Group Sessions held at SFU Downtown

Applications Are Being Accepted — email us to express your interest and to receive an application form.


About The Lead Facilitator/Coach

Joseph Zepedeo, Founder and President of The Integral Business Leadership Group, has over 20 years of experience as a consultant and master coach bringing about transformational change and development at the individual, team and organizational levels.

As a Certified Integral Master Coach™, Joseph helps clients realize their full potential by igniting and integrating vision (seeing new possibilities), passion (pursuing “what matters”), performance (building the right capabilities) and results (accomplishing what you really want). He has been described as “an extremely intuitive, insightful and skilled coach…where real transformation can take place.”


  • B.A. (Psychology); M.Sc. (Business) — Organizational Behaviour & Employee Relations, The University of British Columbia, Canada
  • Certified Integral Master Coach™ — exceeds Mastery Level training (International Coaching Federation)
  • Accredited National Training Partner – Integral 360 Leadership & Management Process (Integral Development, Australia)
  • Integral Organizational Leadership Certificate (Integral Institute, USA)
  • Conscious Change Leader (Being First, Colorado, USA)