Your are in Transition
You have worked long and hard to build up your business and now you are thinking about transitioning out so you can move onto the next chapter of your life (even if you still want some involvement).
The reality
- You thought your business was worth considerably more than the appraisal value.
- You and your advisor have spotted some “fine-tuning” to be done to get your business ready for sale to maximize your return.
- Much of the fine-tuning has to do with record-keeping, tax and legal considerations.
- But you also know that the skills of your leaders/managers need to be enhanced individually and/or as a team and that addressing these dynamics will add significantly to what a buyer is willing to pay. Plus you will gain flexibility in case a Management Buyout (MBO) is a consideration. That’s where we come in …
How we add value
- We will Partner with you: You have tax, legal, accounting, financing advisors who all perform important functions but who is really on your side? Someone you can trust and say anything to (that is also a 3rd party!).
- We will spend time with you to get to know your business, your goals and dreams and talk about “what’s next” for you and how to make that shift… appreciating that this is an important and sensitive time.
- “People and Culture” focus: At Business Transition conferences and information meetings, you have heard about the importance of ‘people and culture’ as fundamental to helping your business grow and succeed (which then makes your business worth more, right?).
- Well, here we are. We have spent over 25 years working to develop leaders and managers in a way that helps them run the business more efficiently and effectively.

Buy Side Value-Added Service
- Now that you bought the business, you want to maximize your return by ensuring that the business can grow and succeed. That’s where we come in. Our focus is on:
- “People and Culture” — yes, the ‘hard stuff’. We have been focused on people and culture for more than 25 years.
- We will conduct a thorough review of your management strength and build a people strength strategy designed to help the business grow and succeed so you can maximize your return. This involves coaching your key leaders/managers to cultivate the right kinds of leadership skills so that they and the business can thrive.